Exploring Outremer Volume II
livre posté par maxime.goepp@free.fr

Deux nouveaux et beaux volumes de la série “Crusades Subsidiae” viennent de paraitre. Ces deux volumes s’appellent “Exploring Outremer” et le volume 2 est consacré aux études archéologiques. C’est dans ce volume, “Exploring Outremer Volume II”, que j’ai le plaisir de signer un nouvel article avec Jean Mesqui.
Il s’agit de reprendre et finaliser une étude thématique engagée il y a de nombreuses années sur les étriers des archères orientales. L’enjeu du papier consiste à mettre à jour l’inventaire et surtout mener une analyse comparée avec son usage en occident.
Voici la table des matières :
- “In search Ibelin Castle: experimenting with non-destructive archaeology”, Benjamin Z. Kedar
- “The blanche garde fortress at Tell es-Safi/Gath: an update on recent excavation results”, Aren M. Maeir and Jeffrey R. Chadwick
- “Keeping the hydra in its cave: viewshed analysis and the Frankish blockade of Fāṭimid Ascalon (1132–1153)”, Rafael Y. Lewis and Michal Birkenfeld
- “Jean II of Ibelin, Arsur castle and the Hospitallers”, Vardit R. Shotten-Hallel, Hagi Yohanan, Moshe Fischer and Oren Tal
- “The archaeology of the Pardouns de Acre”, Danny Syon
- “Crusader landscapes: the current state of knowledge and future directions”, Aleks Pluskowski
- “Two recently discovered mural paintings and the development of monumental painting in twelfth-century Jerusalem”, Gil Fishhof, Amit Re’em and David Yeger
- “Franks, locals and merchants: Ceramic production in the Latin East”, Edna J/ Stern
- “Between Moneta and Sikka: minters and mints in the Frankish East (1099–1291)”, Robert Kool
- “For want of a nail: horse and donkey shoes in the Kingdom of Jerusalem”,Joppe Gosker
- “On the significance of small finds: two new mother-of-pearl cross pendants from ’Atlit and their wider context”, Simon Dorso, Yves Gleize and Élise Mercier
- “Enlarged-based arrow-loops in the Near East (twelfth–-fourteenth-century) defence or ostentation?”, Maxime Goepp and Jean Mesqui
- “Text, loopholes and quarrels: an example of perfect agreement between historical sources, architecture and found objects in Safed castle from the thirteenth century CE”,Hervé Barbé
- “A tomb stone from Safed: new evidence for the Templay Castle Chapel (?)”, ’Abdallah Mokary and Vardit R. Shotten-Hallel
- “Belvoir castle revisited: history and development”, Rabei G. Khamisy and Moshe Biram
Les deux volumes peuvent être commandés sur le site de l’éditeur, Routledge